Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hylands Baby Review and Giveaway! US Ends 1/19

Disclosure: I received Hylands Baby product(s) and information to facilitate and host this review. I received no other compensation for this post and was under no obligation to post a positive review. The opinions contained within, are my own and reflect my experience with the product(s). Your own may be different.

Feeling that all too familiar tickle in your throat or that building pressure in your head? Got a case of the sniffles or feel that old ache coming on? Well, break out the tissues and cough syrup, folks, cause its that time of year again. Its cold and flu season!

Up until this point I'd been very fortunate that our Sophie seemed to escape the usual sickness that plagued our home during the Holidays but much to my chagrin this year, she seems to have come down with it all. Thankfully no throwing up but the runny noses, sore throats and teething have all been very present in our lives since October.

I tried dosing her up with Tylenol to help combat Sophie's symptoms but it seemed ineffective as far as long term treatment went. I was simply at a loss of what to do..

Luckily for me I had just been in touch with Hylands about working with them on a review and giveaway. Within days of speaking with them I had a Hylands Baby gift package sent. I was blown away by the package and its contents. Hylands Baby had sent me their entire Baby care product line, including:

Colic Tablets
Teething Tablets
Teething Gel
Diaper Ointment
Cough Syrup Vitamin C Tablets and Tiny Cold tablets.

How fantastic and just in the nick of time! With the exception of a few products that were sent to me by the Hylands Team, my package contained everything needed to get Sophie on the road to feeling better!

Hylands Cough Syrup helped get us through those long nights when we'd be awoken by terrible coughing fits.

The Teething Gel and Tablets helped with those two teeth Sophie had coming in and reduced the tears/fussiness that came with them.

The Diaper Ointment helped rid us of the awful diaper rashes that had been plaguing my poor baby since her birth in 2011.

I had never been more grateful or relieved in the entire 18 months Sophie had been in our lives and NOTHING had been more helpful than Hylands Baby products. It seemed like just within the first few days of using Hylands Baby products that Sophie was already on the mend, something I unfortunately can't say about our go-to medicine, Tylenol.

Hylands line of Baby products had saved us and now, in January, Sophie is as good as new. No more coughing, running noses or problematic teething!

Aside from saving me from further insanity and helping our sick little one feel better, one of my favorite things about Hylands Baby products is that they're not only safe for the little ones but also a natural alternative to all the yucky, potentially harmful ingredients other medicines host. I avoid medicine whenever I possibly can but Hylands has provided a great, safe, solution to my medicine phobia.

To find out more about these fantastic products and more by Hylands you can visit them online.

You can also keep informed of the latest happenings at Hylands by becoming a Facebook or Twitter follower!

Want a chance to win your own Gift Pack from Hylands Baby? All you've gotta do is fill out the Rafflecopter form below and get your entries in! a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. for my grand-children i have always used tylenol, i am not sure what my daughter uses now but this product sounds really good.. Dorothy Boucher, @tisonlyme143

  2. I ALWAYS used Motrin & Tylenol when it came to fevers. Could depend on the combo to help bring down a fever. I also like Trimintic when they had a cold, they seemed to be ok with the taste.

  3. I have always used tylenol for my daughters fevers and when she is in alot of pain from teething

  4. Hylands have used for over 20 years for the oldest all the way down to the youngest.
