Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Enter to Snag Yourself a $100 Gift Card! #Giveaway ends 2/11

Being a single Mama with two babies has certainly taken its toll on my wallet, especially, since the beginning of September when I started with my Christmas shopping. I mistakenly thought thought things would calm down again and my wallet would refill itself after the madness died down but then I realized Desmond's Birthday is in March and Sophie's is shortly after in May. Can you say face palm?

Still, two birthdays in two months wouldn't be nearly as bad if I hadn't discovered the joys of Mommy Co-op groups and Cloth diapering. It was just too easy to get all googly eyed over all the fabulous, girly prints I found and before I knew it I had dropped almost $100 in the span of 10 minutes. Although I know I'll be saving money in the long run I cant help put give myself a mental slap.

It would sure be great if I could plant a money tree. Anyone else agree?

Sadly, I can't produce a tree that grows money but I can, however, share with you a fantastic giveaway event that could win you a whooping $100 gift card. Ha! I knew you'd all like that one.

Smart Toll Free Number is hosting this awesome giveaway. Enter for your chance to win and leave me a comment below telling me what you'd put it towards. A much needed retail therapy session? Maybe a bill that's looming on the horizon? Let me know and check back soon to see if you've been picked as the lucky winner! a Rafflecopter giveaway

Slow Road to Insanity is not responsible for prize fulfillment. 

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