One worry she has expressed since she graduated last week was the probability that she would have to work and cram in school to help pay for her course work which most of you know translates into text books. High Schoolers have it pretty easy when it comes to their materials list but once you make the transition over to College its a whole different story.
Fortunately for my niece and for the other 2014 graduates as well as for existing college students there's a website/program that is designed to make the college experience a little easier on those precious dollars they're desperately trying to save!
CampusBookRentals.com is an amazing program and should appeal to just about every college-bound or college attending student out there, for many reasons. First and foremost there's the money saving aspect of it. According to a study done back in 2009 the average cost of text books per semester at a 4 year college is an average of $561 dollars. Before your jaw drops to the floor let me also tell you that while using CampusBookRentals as an alternative you can save anywhere from 40-90% on book store prices. Talk about savings!
CampusBookRentals.com is an amazing program and should appeal to just about every college-bound or college attending student out there, for many reasons. First and foremost there's the money saving aspect of it. According to a study done back in 2009 the average cost of text books per semester at a 4 year college is an average of $561 dollars. Before your jaw drops to the floor let me also tell you that while using CampusBookRentals as an alternative you can save anywhere from 40-90% on book store prices. Talk about savings!
One of my personal favorite perks that come with using CampusBookRentals is that you can highlight your text. Yes, you can actually take out your highlighters or pens and highlight text that you find interesting or need to come back to. No more writing notes as you go. Just uncap that handy-dandy highlighter and start marking. I seriously would have loved this program while I was still in school. To this day I still have all of my old notebooks that are filled with nothing but page after page of notes copied from textbooks.
If those two perks aren't a good enough incentive then here's a few more to help you decide:
If those two perks aren't a good enough incentive then here's a few more to help you decide:
- CampusBookRentals provides free shipping both ways. Renting? Free shipping. Returning? Free shipping. Boom, more money in your pocket.
- Renting periods are flexible. No need to sweat over a looming due date.
- CampusBookRentals donates to Operation Smile with every rental.
One more very nifty thing I should mention along with CampusBookRentals is their sister program RentBack. Basically what happens is people get stuck with textbooks they've bought previously. You've heard of it happening or have seen kids advertising their course work books online through their social media, desperate to get rid of it and earn back the cash they paid for it. Rentback is great because it allows you to rent out your textbooks to other people AND get paid each time it's rented!
Seriously, if you aren't sold and on your way to becoming a CampusBookRental user today then you're just crazy! You might as well be throwing your hard earned cash into the garbage disposal. I have heard nothing but good things about this program and recommend it to all my college attendees.
Happy Renting!
Seriously, if you aren't sold and on your way to becoming a CampusBookRental user today then you're just crazy! You might as well be throwing your hard earned cash into the garbage disposal. I have heard nothing but good things about this program and recommend it to all my college attendees.
Happy Renting!
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