FREE Blogger Event!! $100 Amazon GC Giveaway
$100 Amazon GC Giveaway Free blogger event.
You will get one social media link (Facebook) for free as a thank you for participating in this event,
extra links are also available for a fee.
Prize: $100 Amazon Gift Card
Even…Read More
Vitamins Baby Blankie Buddie Review and Giveaway!
Ever since before my daughter was born and even now with my second pregnancy I've dreamed of the perfect stuffed toy; one my babies would cling to for comfort and keep with them through the years.
Vitamins Baby has just…Read More
Preggie Pops Review and Giveaway
When I was pregnant with Sophie I had a moderate amount of morning sickness the first 12 weeks of my pregnancy. I guess you could even call it night sickness because truthfully I was hardly ever sick in the morning. It was…Read More
World Vision Holiday Event FREE sign-ups for Bloggers!
World Vision Holiday Event
Sponsored by World Vision and hosted by Mom Powered Media
Prizes: 2 Artisan Beaded Necklaces, 2 Eco Cold Cups, 2 Veggie Tales "Incredible Vegetables" DVD and 2 sets of plush toys including G…Read More
Oogave Review
I'm not going to lie, I'm a Soda fanatic. I will never turn down a glass of ice cold Cola and am guilty of frequent trips to the convenience stores to grab the biggest size fountain cup and fill it to the tippy-top. Altho…Read More
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