Sunday, March 17, 2013

OOFOS Ooriginal Footwear Review and Giveaway! US 3/31

I know I've said it at least a half a dozen times already but I'm vehemently opposed to wearing anything on my feet unless absolutely necessary unless of course its a pair of my favorite flip-flops. If I can't be barefoot I at least want to be as close to it as humanly possible and a good pair of flip-flops is the best way to insure that my feet are as close to nature as they can get.

With Summer closing in and my Flip-flop collection looking a little sad, I was especially tickled to get the chance to work with the folks over at OOFOS!

One of the things that helped nudge me into reaching out to the folks over at OOFOS was the fact that they weren't made of the same 'stuff' as other flip-flops I'd tried over the years. If you're a flip-flop guy or gal, you know what I'm talking about; the hard 'leather' stuff, the slippery-dirt-acculating foam and that plastic junk you see most often in stores.

The crew over at OOFOS created their footwear using their impact absorbing OOfoam, a revolutionary invention/material that:

  • Absorbs shock to relieve pain 
  • Reduces fatigue & restores vigor  
  •  Delivers unparallelled cushioning to recharge & rejuvenate your feet 

I asked to sent a pair of OOFOS Ooriginal Thongs in black for review.

Being in the last stages of my pregnancy I was very concerned about the comfort of my, swollen, feet but from the moment I slipped them into my OOFOS I knew I'd worried over nothing. They were the most comfortable sandals I'd ever put on and considering the current state of my poor feet, that was saying a lot; I could literally wear them all day AND have, on many occasions.

OOFOS offer a combination of comfort and support not found in any other shoe out there; even better, they also come in a variety of colors including Tangerine, Mocha and Fuchsia. How fun, especially with spring here and summer right around the corner.

OOFOS also come in 2 other styles: The OOahh Slide and the OOcloog Clog.

To find out more about OOFOS you can visit them online.

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Want a chance to win a pair of OOFOS for yourself or a loved one? Simply fill out the easy entries on the Rafflecopter form below and you'll be entered!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I love the yellow flip flops!
    P.S. I keep getting a error when I try to subscribe by email I know I am already a subscriber but I wanted to use another email address to make sure I am not missing anything

  2. black sliders debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  3. I would choose the OOriginal thong in fuschia!

  4. I would probably pick the brown flip flops.
    :)Jeanne Bates Tennant

  5. Probably the Plum Clog. But my Husband would probably want me to pick the Black Slides for him.

  6. I would pick the thongs in either black or brown.

  7. I would love the OOah Slide in the color Mocha.

  8. PuRpLe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I like the OohOahh slide in black

  10. I CAN'T WAIT! YAY! Thank you!
