Sunday, April 7, 2013

Iszo Circle Lens Contacts Review and Giveaway! US 4/24

 Disclosure: I received Iszo Circle Lens product(s) and information to facilitate and host this review. I received no other compensation for this post and was under no obligation to post a positive review. The opinions contained within, are my own and reflect my experience with the product(s). Your own may be different.

I've always loved my eyes but there's always been this little part of me that envied those in need of contact lenses. I didn't envy them because they needed lenses or because I thought having to put them in sounded like such fun or because red, irritated eyes looked so attractive but because the world of Contact Lenses was so endless.

The days of plain Jane, prescription lenses has long since come and gone; in their place are lenses are all different colors, sizes and even designs. I envied their users because I've always wanted to be able to change my eye color at the drop of a hat and they were able to do just that with ease.

Well, I was determined that I too would be able to change my eyes on a whim and was tickled pink when, after an email sent with fingers&toes crossed, I was responded to by a company who had the products required to

I was given the opportunity recently to review i.Fairy Circle Lenses in Rose Grey by Iszo Circle Lens, a review that I couldn't have been more psyched about.

I called up my wonderful niece on a whim and after discussing her prescription information decided to gift her with the i.Fairy lenses. She was even more excited than I was and when I was finally able to hand over the lenses, she wasted no time in rushing to nearest mirror to pop them in.

To say I was jealous was an understatement.

Seriously, how cool are these Lenses? My niece loved them and I've seen her wearing them on more than one occasion already; she's even asked for the Iszo Circle Lens website so she can order a few more pairs!

One of the best parts about Iszo Circle Lenses is that there are so many different varieties to choose from and I don't just mean 3-4, I mean HUNDREDS of different styles. There is literally a design for everyone when you visit their website!

Want to buy your own: Visit Iszo Circle Lenses online and check out their selection.

Interested in keeping up with the latest news from Iszo? Become a Facebook follower!

Wanna enter for a chance to win 2 pairs of Lenses for yourself? Fill out your entries on the Rafflecopter form below and stay tuned to see if you're chosen as my winner!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I love so many but the Kimchi Kiss Blue is pretty cool

  2. I really like the (i.fairy) Dolly+ Blue. C:

  3. really cool lenses. They have so many to choose from

  4. Awesome lenses! I think that the I.FAIRY TRINITY GREY are awesome. And the bubble ones too.

  5. i Love the I.Fairy line in general. especially the ones with violet in them!

  6. I love the i.Fairy line! I would love to have a pair of the i.Fairy Pearl Black lenses! They give such a nice enlargement along with a natural color.

  7. I want to join and also join the Solution-lens giveway, can I post a link here (just need to talk about their giveaway, and maybe I can talk about your giveway there?) Thank you.

  8. I like the Natural 3 tones Brown Contacts!

    priscillavbenavides at yahoo dotcom
