Tuesday, April 2, 2013

KinderGlo LED Night Light Review and Giveaway! US and CAN 4/16

 Disclosure: I received KinderGlo product(s) and information to facilitate and host this review. I received no other compensation for this post and was under no obligation to post a positive review. The opinions contained within, are my own and reflect my experience with the product(s). Your own may be different. 

I'm going to admit something that I don't often admit to anyone; I was deathly afraid of the dark as a kid.

I was the kid you see in movies/TV shows that always had to have their door open a crack to let light in, who couldn't walk down the hall in the middle of the night without a light on and who imagined that there were monsters or 'bad guys' lurking in the shadows/around every corner. I even checked my closet religiously before bedtime.

Some might say that's not much of a secret and maybe it isn't..the real secret is that my fear of the dark has carried over to my adult life. Pretty sad but I still check the closet at night, still use the hall light for reassurance and when the opportunity presents itself, I still check under the bed just to be absolutely sure nothing is waiting to get me.

It was a win-win opportunity when I opened my email to learn I was approved to work on a review/giveaway for the wonderful folks over at KinderGlo.

What's the correlation between KinderGlo and my perpetual fear of the dark?

Simple: KinderGlo is the maker of the 'Never-Hot-To-Touch' LED Night Lights for toddlers/kids! My nights of waking up in the dark were over and I just knew my toddler was going to love the fun, kid-friendly character design of their night lights.
I was spot on; Sophie LOVED her KinderGlo Owl and began bringing him into bed with us every night after we received him in the mail!

I was very pleased that first night and every night thereafter to experience the gentle glow of our Owl; its not very often you find a night light that provides the perfect amount of light to sleep with. You either get too bright or not bright enough..with KinderGlo's LED night lights it was easy for both Mommy and Sophie to go right to sleep instead of being kept up or distracted by harsh lighting.

One of Sophie's favorite features is that she has the power to change our Owl's colors at a whim with just the touch of a button. I personally enjoy setting our owl on alternating colors but Sophie seems more partial to the solid red, blues, purple, green and yellows. Well, whatever makes her happy makes this Momma happy too!

Whether you keep your new LED pal on its decorative base or in bed with you/your child, there's a special Character for everyone. Whether it be the Owl, Hippo, Angel or other adorable character your child will love receiving his/her KinderGlo night light!
If you want to learn more about KinderGlo and/or their products you can visit them online!

To be kept in the loop about the latest news at KinderGlo you can follow them via Facebook or Twitter.

Looking to purchase a Night Light from KinderGlo? KinderGlo is offering a discount code to my readers for FREE shipping at checkout when you purchase a KinderGlo night light from their website! Suh-weet!

Just type in JRU27XX2QGXW at checkout and enjoy that free shipping code!

Want to win a KinderGlo Night Light Character of your choice for yourself or that special little one? Just fill out the Rafflecopter form below and keep your fingers crossed! Someone's gotta win and it could be YOU!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I like the half moon night light

  2. I love the owl one! So super cute for my little toddler :)

  3. I love the owl! The elephant is cute too!

  4. Oh I love the Half Moon and the Elephant! They are all so cute!!!

  5. absolutely love all things owl. LOVE.

  6. I like them all but I know my little one would be thrilled if he had the Dino to light up his room at night.

  7. I love the owl, but my grandson is deathly afraid of the dark, and he loves dinosaurs. I think he would love the T-Rex!

  8. Most kids seem to be afraid of the dark and a night light is one solution. Thanks for sharing your view.
