Saturday, November 16, 2013

Bringing Peace of Mind Back to Your Bathtub with SlipX Solutions! Ends 11/29

In a home where slips in the bathtub are a common occurrence it seems like we're always searching for the next fail safe way to prevent them. For us adults its mostly a painful inconvenience but with a toddler and a 7 month old a slip in the shower/bath could mean a trip to the local ER. 
If you find yourself slippin' and a'sliddin' around your bathtub then check out this excerpt from Life In The Lost World's review of SlipX Solutions!  

"SlipX Solutions offers slip resistant bathtub and shower mats made of durable, high-quality, allergen-free vinyl, it’s lightweight, strong, long lasting AND machine washable!With over 100 suction cups to firmly adhere to the tub’s surface, they are designed to be extremely slip resistant, reducing even more risk in the tub than a conventional bath mat, and built to last longer in the home. That means more bang for your buck and I like that too!" – read Jayedee’s full review of SlipX Solutions. 

To check out SlipX Solutions products for yourself you can head over to their website and check 'em out. 

Never miss out on the latest happenings at SlipX Solutions by following them via Facebook and Pinterest!

Want to be entered for a chance to win your own SlipX Field of Flowers bathmat in your choice of color? Just fill out the easy entries on the Rafflecopter form below and stay tuned! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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