Sunday, February 23, 2014

Say Goodbye to Those Old Slim Jims and Hello to Nicks Sticks! Review and #Givaway US 3/14

I've eaten my fair share of Slim Jim's, I'll cop to it, folks. Since childhood Slim Jims have been one of my favorite junk foods, especially when I'm on the go. Pair it with an ice cold Pepsi or Coke and its the perfect snack. I've enjoyed this duo for as many years back as I can possibly remember but realizing the wide spread reach of GMO's in our foods has recently had me reevaluating my choice in foods. Sadly, this included the Slim Jim, my snacking companion of the last 15 or so years.

Fortunately I came across another company, by chance, who would cure me of my Slim Jim blues and come to question, "Slim whats?"

Fellow Slim Jim Fanatics let me introduce you to the new kid on the block, Nicks Sticks. What are Nicks Sticks you ask? Well, meat lovers, Nicks Sticks are only the yummiest beef snacks on the market! They're 100% grass-fed, free range Beef and Turkey sticks and a wonderful alternative to the Slim Jims we've all grown up loving. One of my favorite parts about Nicks Sticks other than the fact that they taste great and aren't laden with unwelcome ingredients is that the ingredient list itself is 100% readable and pronounceable.

My package of Nicks Sticks had just arrived and I'd only had the box open for only a minute when the few remaining meat eaters in our home were tripping over themselves trying to get a piece. I was smart about it though, I ripped little pieces of each off to offer each of the little heathens and put the unopened packages up as high as I could so they couldn't build a toddler ladder and nab 'em!

So, who the heck is Nick?!

"You haven’t heard? 
Nick’s life is a roller coaster ride of sorts —
  • 1997 — A would’a, could’a, should’a been college baseball star… curse you lymphoma!
  • 1998 to Present — A cancer survivor
  • Today — A leader within the natural foods industry
  • Tomorrow — A person who you can always trust to bring you the healthiest, cleanest, most nutrient-dense snack sticks in the… Milky Way Galaxy!
Nick Wallace is one of the founders of Wallace Farms, a100% grass-fedcattle farm located in Keystone, Iowa. He grew up in a town called Strawberry Point… charming, right? Ventured far west for college, landing in Corvallis, Oregon…. Duuude! Got sick (see above) and finished school and chemo in Iowa City, IA…. Whoa! Then had a come-to-Jesus career moment that led to a year of culinary school in Colorado…. Free food + lift tickets = Gnarly! Finally, he returned “Back to the Land” that his great-great grandfather first farmed in 1894. 

Today, other farmers simply watch in amazement as Nick stacks and packs the snacks that will keep you coming back! Try to say that 5 times fast!

Some farmers are turned on by confinement livestock, GMO feed and MSG. Nick and his cattle thrive on grasssunshine and free-range living. Along the way, he developed the idea and the recipe for Nick’s Sticks. They are a straightforward, uncomplicated food that nourishes your body and soul. Read it and weep, Dalai Lama fans!"

 I have, without a doubt, found a company that I will be ordering from, from now until forever! Bye, bye, nasty old Slim Jims and hello Nick Sticks. With Nicks Sticks I know without a doubt that I'm getting the best money can buy and then some. Less really is more at Nicks Sticks. There are no additives, no preservatives, no MSg, antibiotics, hormones, fillers and absolutely, NO RED DYE #3 in any of their delicious products. Did you know that almost all traditional meat sticks use that awful gunk in their casings?!

Another fun fact about Nick's Sticks and one that I personally applaud them for is their  5% contributions of their net profits to Fisher House, an organization that provides a "Home Away from Home" for military families to be close to a loved one during hospitalization for an illness, disease or injury. How cool is that!

So, now that I've filled you in on all the "juicy" details I bet you'll want to pop on over to Nick's and take a look for yourself.

You can find them online at!

You can always keep yourself in the loop by following Nicks Sticks on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Now, what if I told you folks that the wonderful folks over at Nicks Sticks has generously offered one reader the chance to win a 6 pack of these delicious meat snacks to one of you lucky winners? If it were me I'd get on the rafflecopter form below like a fire my britches were on fire and submit my entries in a hurry!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I would like to try the all beef. I don't like spicy stuff

  2. the grass fed beef and the spicy turkey are tasty sounding,.

  3. My husband would love the spicy turkey!
