Sunday, October 7, 2012

Arts and Crafts Sunday: Frosty Ghosts

As a kid I wasn't a particularly great crafter but instead preferred to immerse myself in the pages of my books. While other kids looked forward to macaroni necklaces in ART class, I would gaze longingly out the window at the Library of my Elementary School. As I grew older I alternated between my books and creative writing; I dreaded fruit bowls, and Self Portraits.

Fortunately for me, My Mama has always been a crafter so the dream of being able to one day create was never forgotten. Of course its helpful that I now have a daughter of my own and find myself scouring the internet for fun, easy crafts that a 16 month old can help with!

When I came across Rosetta's Frosty Leaf Ghosts, I was sold. Easy, a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e, KID FRIENDLY and just in time for the upcoming holidays!



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