Thursday, April 4, 2013

Amamante Nursing Wear Review and Giveaway! US 4/18

 Disclosure: I received Amamante Nursingwear product(s) and information to facilitate and host this review. I received no other compensation for this post and was under no obligation to post a positive review. The opinions contained within, are my own and reflect my experience with the product(s). Your own may be different.

Every Breastfeeding Mommy knows that when it comes to your Nursingwear, comfort and functionality are key.

You've just had a baby and your breasts are tender, maybe a little cracked or even chaffed thanks to the little Miss or Mister that has happily attached themselves to you. Trust me, I know all too well the damage that can and is often done..

With my first child, our Sophie, getting the hang of breastfeeding was a challenge. Due to low glucose levels she was taken to the nursery to be monitored for a full 24 hours before she was returned to me and much to my chagrin I noticed she'd been bottle fed. Against my wishes. Needless to say it was tough getting her on track with the breast but we made it through and eventually she was quite the boob enthusiast.

Cracking, chaffing and bleeding ensued.

Going bra-less wasn't an option, as I'm sure my fellow Breastfeeders know all too well; so I sucked it up and continued on in our breastfeeding journey.

With my second pregnancy not only did I grow a cup size or two but I was also still nursing Sophie, now 23 months and at times I was still a little uncomfortable while nursing. Keeping that in mind and knowing the first few weeks of Breastfeeding a newborn were going to be tough, I set out in search of Nursingwear that was both functional (I had a terrible feeling that nursing two babies was going to be a challenge) and comfortable enough to be worn even on my most uncomfortable of days.

I recently was able to review the 2013 Comfy Curvy Nursing Bra from Amamante Nursingwear and after receiving my product in the mail I have to say it fit my needs perfectly.

The fit was perfect, it was breathable and best of all it didn't cause any additional discomfort which has been super important since bringing our girl, Desmond, home. A ferocious appetite on top of sharing time on the breast with her big sister has made things doubly uncomfortable so up until I tried my Comfy Curvy Bra on I had been skeptical that this product wouldn't leave me more sore than I'd started.

I worried over nothing. The Comfy Curvy Nursing Bra was, in a word, perfect. It didn't rub me the wrong way, the fit was great (as I mentioned earlier) and it made feedings a breeze. Whether it was morning, naptime or overnight feedings I was able to easily nurse my girls while wearing it. The Bra is roomy enough that I can shrug one shoulder out or lift up from the bottom to nurse and not feel horrible uncomfortable or restricted.

One of my favorite features of the Comfy Curvy Nursing Bra was that, being a bigger girl, it lived up to its hype and I didn't have any 'spillage' during the day or even at night when lying in bed. Even with my ample size I was able to stay safely tucked away and without worry thanks to the 'hidden sling' Amamante has ingeniously incorporated into the Comfy Curvys design; no other Bra can boast this feat!

To find out more about Amamante Nursingwear visit them on their online store.

To stay in touch with the latest news you can become a Facebook follower.

Interested in purchasing Amamante products, here's where you can make your purchase!

Want to win your own Comfy Curvy Nursing Bra? (This fits size E-H) You know what to do; just fill out the Rafflecopter form below and stay tuned to see if you've been chosen as my winner!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. It is very useful wherever you go.

  2. I would give this to my daughter and her biggest need is comfort.

  3. I look for comfort and support.

  4. It is so hard for me to find one that fits me. It is so nice to see the wide selection of sizes.

  5. it is the ease of use anywhere.

  6. This is definitely something people need to be up on. Good luck in the future, man.
    A very nice informational blog.
    Maternity And Nursing Bras
