Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Create a Masterpeice Starring Your Loved Ones with Muvee Reveal 11

*This is a sponsored post. All materials/products were provided by Muvee in compensation for this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own*

I think its safe to admit to everyone that I'm a bit of a picture hoarder. No, really, I hoard pictures. I really do have 2 laptops, a Facebook account and 2 different photo bucket accounts that are bursting at the seams with pictures and video's of my family/children. I've never seen my love of picture memories as a problem but lately as I began going through one of my picture accounts I realized I did indeed have a problem..and not the kind you're thinking of. I found myself discontent with all the raw pictures and video's I had accumulated over the last few years and realized that I wanted to find an alternate method of sharing them. Lets face it, Facebook sharing gets old after awhile and sometimes a picture or video needs a little something extra.

This is where Muvee Reveal 11 comes in. I was given the opportunity to work with Muvee for a review and was sent the program to help facilitate my review.

My first impression of Muvee was that it looked like something I actually use. I've had the occasion to use several different photo editing/video creators and the end result was always a ton of frustration and hitting the uninstall button. Too many bells and whistles, drop down options and a layout crammed with nonsense give me a horrible headache when all I want to do is a few simple edits, polish up a collection of photos and to share with my friends/family. Muvee eliminated that issue for me and although it did have the option of tutorials, they weren't in my face and were completely optional but it was so easy to get started that I didn't even bother with a single tutorial.

No offense to the creators but Muvee is so easy that anyone could use it to put together a wonderful collection of photo's! It was so easy it was almost like magic and that's saying something for a gal who has trouble figuring out how to open a simple paint program!

One of my favorite things about Muvee 11 is that I can save my projects and come back to them at a later time. This comes in handy for a busy Mom who is often called away from the computer to clean up this mess or that one or to attend to a crying little one. Muvee 11 also lets you save your projects in files compatible with just about any device and upload to to sites such as Facebook and YouTube. I'm telling you there's nothing I've used that can compare to the experience I've had with Muvee 11 over the course of these last two weeks. I've had so much fun putting together movies and video clips of my daughters and sending them to family and friends. I've even copied a few onto discs to send out of state to relatives located in Missouri and TN!

So, if you're like me and have a plethora of videos and pictures that are just waiting to be shared then I recommend scooting on over to the Muvee website and grabbing your own copy of the Muvee Reveal software today!

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