Tuesday, March 11, 2014

CampBell's Kitchen Heart Healthy Awareness!

**This post is sponsored by Campbell Soup Company*

Now that I'm a Mom to my 2 daughters I understand, now more than ever, the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. The most important way that I've learned to be healthy is in all matters pertaining to the heart and a sobering fact helped me start my road to a healthier heart. Are you ready to hear what it was?

The cold hard truth, one that many aren't even aware of, is that Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and every year 715,000 Americans have a heart attack. Of those 715,000 Americans, 525,000 are a first heart attack and 190,000 happen in people who have already had one. The scariest part(s) about Heart Disease, in my opinion, are a.) Heart Disease can happen to anyone at any time and b.) Heart disease doesn't discriminate.

After learning the facts and pouring over the statistics I just knew I had to shape up and get my act together. Its been a slow road but I'm getting a little closer to my goal everyday. I've begun to go on daily walks with my daughters, have cut back on sodas and other sugary beverages AND get ready for my biggest accomplishment, quit smoking. Cold turkey.

Another way to achieve a healthy heart is to choose healthy foods, cut out the fatty snacks and learn to portion out your meals. My family and I have recently enjoyed a few Heart Healthy recipes from Campbells, which is a great way to enjoy the soups you've always loved while keeping a healthy heart in mind. Take a look at a few of these great recipes. My favorite was the Louisianna-Style Chicken, Sausage&Shrimp Skillet!

The Polenta Turkey Bake was also a big hit with my family as we've always been huge Polenta enthusiasts.

Last but not least there was the Tilapia and Vegetable Casserole. Next to chicken, Fish is second favorite high protein food and Tilapia just so happens to be among my favorite kinds. Salmon is number one but we'll save that for another post!

Visit Campbells Kitchen where you can also find a list of great coupons and special offers for Campbells products!

To learn more heart healthy tips, including 21 Campell's recipes that are certified by the AHA and product coupons, visit AddressYourHeart.com

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