Saturday, August 23, 2014

Give Your Nails the Royal Treatment with Jamberry Nail Wraps!

Have you ever had one of those days where it seems like you've been trapped under a mountain of stress? How about one of those weeks where it seems like everything has gotten away from you and by the time you've realized it you have less than half a day left to get it all done?! School assignments, work projects, homework, you name it and it seems like it's been a part of my week and here I am, finally done with it all, and ready for the weekend so I can just have two minutes to relax and unwind.

I don't know about other ladies but when I need that block of time to myself to destress I like to pamper myself a little, especially when you add in the fact that I have two kiddos under the age of 5 that drive me absolutely bonkers on top of everything else. A new haircut, a new top that I've been eyeing for awhile in the mall, those are things I adore when I need to get the weight of the world off of my shoulders. One of my all time favorite ways to treat for myself though has got to be a mani+pedi but having so much on my plate lately has kind of taken the luxury of being able to go in and have one done away from me.

It's lucky for me that I was recently given the chance to work with a wonderful distributor for a little company I think we've all heard of and coveted, Jamberry!

"The story of Jamberry Nails begins with three sisters who possess distinct personal tastes, but share a love for style. After an expensive afternoon together at the nail salon, Lyndsey, Christy and Keri vowed to find a simpler, more cost effective way to keep their hands looking polished, while still spending time together. 

After lots of trial and error, the proprietary nail wraps of Jamberry Nails launched in late 2010. The DIY, at-home application and incredible variety of designs caught on quickly and sales soared. A new era of nail art was born. 

Gone are the days of nails that chip and flake after only a few days! Gone are the days of the single colored manicure. Gone are the mani/pedis that take all afternoon and most of your cash too! Jamberry nail wraps arm you with style and confidence while demanding very little of your time or money."
I was sent the beautiful Vintage Chic design to help facilitate my review.

Goodness, how lovely is that design ladies?

One thing I do want to mention about Jamberry is that if you happen to be unfortunately and miserably uncoordinated like me then you'll definitely want to have someone else on hand when you try to apply these beauties. I've seen women with jamicures that were flawless and even more YouTube video's for application that made it look like a snap but unfortunately for me it wasn't so easy. So, if you're one of those ladies who are a little challenged when it comes to doing your own nails have a girlfriend give you a hand. You'll be thanking me for the advice later! 

With that out of the way on to my review!

I had the hardest time picking out one design out of the pages of fantastic designs on the Jamberry site. There are, literally, designs for all ages and for every type of hobby you can think of. I can't tell you how close I came to going with a Florida Gators design but in the end the Vintage Chic won but if I had my way I'd have a different design for every day of the week.

For those of you ladies who can breeze through a manicure at home then Jamberry is definitely going to win you over. The application is very simple and along with the instructions on the back of each Jamberry package there's about a million YouTube video's to help you through your first time application. Even I'm feeling a little bit more confident after mine, although I'd still want a helping hand the next go-round!

After I compared each Jamberry decal against each finger and selected the one that best fit I set to work. One of the toughest parts, I thought, was shaping up my cuticles because, let's face it, I'm a sissy and that process hurts. In the end though, with the help of a video tutorial or two, I managed quite nicely.

The video I used was incredibly helpful and I'll include it here for my readers so you can benefit from it as well!

I had an absolutely lovely time working on this review and getting the opportunity to work with a wonderful consultant for Jamberry, Lisbeth. So, what are you waiting for? Head over and place your Jamberry order with Lisbeth today. You really won't regret it and I can say from experience that your nails are going to love you for the beautiful treatment they'll receive!  

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