Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Mine by Design Review and Personalized #Frozen Ornament FLASH #Giveaway! US 12/20

One of my all time favorite things about this time of the year is walking into my house and smelling the delicious aroma of baked goods. Some say Tis the Season To Be Jolly but I say Tis the Season to Bake. Cookies, Cakes, Brownies, Fudge, etc. we make it all and truly enjoy it as do our sweet tooth's. It doesn't matter if we bake all day and into the night, by the time we're finished there's not much of the baked goods left after the kiddos and their Grandpa get done with them!

This year I was able to try out something a little different and all on my own which is a foreign concept to me since my Mama is very particular about who she let's into her kitchen..I was thrilled to be able to create something on my own and when I received the opportunity to review a truly unique Pie Plate from Mine By Design for the For the Home section of our Gift Guide I was thrilled. As a bonus it included a recipe for Key Lime Pie!

Check out this great little background piece on Mine By Design to help gear you up for an awesome review!

"Mine by Design Art Studio is contemporary art studio that offers paint your own pottery (PYOP), glass fusing, clay hand building, and so much more.

I began creating custom pieces for several of my customers and selling my hand made jewelry at the annual Jenkintown Festival of the Arts. This lead me to start selling my pieces on Etsy!  In January of last year, I opened MineByDesignStudio on Etsy, and have been having a blast creating unique ceramic and fused glass items!  

Using various digital and traditional techniques, I am able to create beautiful customized pieces for any occasion!  I specialize mainly in custom ceramic and fused glass items, as well as wood products!"

I have to say how impressed I was when this little gem arrived in the mail. I've always used Mom's vintage Pie Plates for my baking needs but this one was all mine and would be unique to my own experiences. Years down the road I'll be able to enjoy baking with my own children and hopefully pass it down to them when the time is right. Making memories is something I hold very dear and we've already started making memories with this piece.

I love the fact that each Pie Plate created by Laura, the artist behind Mine by Design, is completely unique to each individual customer. Once your order is placed Laura asks that you send in a recipe, of your choice, that she will hand-paint onto each pie plate. So, if you have a recipe that you absolutely love or is famous within your family Laura will make sure it's preserved for years to come! This particular piece plays host to the wonderful Key Lime recipe that I mentioned earlier and I can say honestly that the pie was delicious! The original owner of the recipe sure is lucky to have it in their recipe stash.

Another lovely item I was sent to review was this adorable Clumsy Santa Fused Glass Night Light! It measures 3"w x 4"h and is made with fusible glass. Each piece is carefully cut to create the design and once they're assembled, Laura tack fuse fires them to ensure everything stays as it should and doesn't fall apart. I was very pleased when this adorable little guy arrived and with everything I needed to set him up in our kids bathroom. They sure did get a kick out of seeing him the first time one of the littles ventured into the bathroom over night.

How stinkin' cute is he?

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I bet you're itching to know how you can get your hands on some of Mine by Design's fabulous pieces. Well, I'm just as eager to tell you!

Not only has Laura given me a 20% discount code off of any $30 order for my readers but she's also generously donated one of her Personalized Frozen Ornaments to giveaway as well! How excited would your little one be to have one of these hanging on your Christmas tree?!

Get your entries in on the Rafflecopter form below and stay tuned!

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    I love this canvas! And the lyrics are from one of my favorite songs!!

  2. I really love the let it snow mason jars.

  3. I love this jar
