Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My First Cake *UPDATE*

I recently mentioned creating a cake for my Nieces 19th Birthday. SUCCESS!

Due to the theme of the aforementioned cake, I won't be uploading any pictures but will say my niece has an obsession with all things PLAYBOY and wanted me to center the cake around the Logo.

Using HERSHEYS chocolate cake recipe, I started with 3 individual layers. After baking them I added a crumb coat, then added the final layer, a black icing.

I can give my Mama some credit with this one because on the day I was to be making my cake my little (10 months) needed to be rushed to the night Pediatrician with a 103.5 temperature. Knowing I was crunched for time my mama threw together the cake batter and icing for me so it would be ready for transport when I arrived back home.

Thank Goodness for my Mama! I was out of time and way beyond stressed by the time I got my little seen and back home again. Without her forethought, I would have gone to my nieces 19th empty handed.

SO! After applying both layers of frosting to my cake I made up my first ever batch of Marshmallow fondant. Easy peasy!! It was a sticky mess, that much can certainly be said with 100% accuracy but all in all it was very easy to make and work with! I dyed the fondant a very nice red color and set to work rolling and shaping my pieces.

After putting this cake together I used a star cake tip and added a border of black frosting stars and called the cake finished!

I'll admit I was out of patience by the time my first cake adventure was through but can also say I was impressed with my final outcome and determined to continue on my journey to becoming a cake decorator.

Needless to say I have several more cake idea's floating around in my head for my littles 1st Birthday, Mothers Day and a few other upcoming birthdays for several family members.


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1 comment:

  1. This isn't related to the post but I couldn't find where to thank you for the giveaway that I won. I have received the "Because I Tried it Birthday Chronicle" and it's very neat. I'd like to get one for my daughter someday!
